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Set up a sprout booth at farmers market, then grow to offer fully grown vegetables and mushrooms. Everything will be cut to order using homemade hydroponic systems, ensuring freshness every time—whether it's a fully grown vegetable or a mushroom!


Small sprout booth

Bigger booth 

Add veggies and mushrooms



I aim to ignite curiosity and interest in my booth by showcasing a complete hydroponic setup, including the water system, lights, and everything needed for a home garden. My goal is to demonstrate how simple and easy it can be to grow your own food, even with limited space.


I began with sprouts and have progressed to cultivating fully grown vegetables and mushrooms. Using 3D printing and CAD modeling, I've designed systems tailored to support the growth of mature vegetables within my compact studio space. Once I achieve consistent yields, my plan is to showcase these designs at my booth, aiming to inspire others to embark on their own journey of growing food at home.

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